The story of A-Line Tool Company begins in the early 1960’s when the store opened in La Crosse at 201 Front Street. It was originally a branch of Anderson Machine Tool Company based out of St. Paul, MN. In 1976, new management took over the La Crosse branch and later purchased it in 1983, changing the name to A-Line Machine Tool Company. During that time our store has moved to 415 La Crosse Street, and again to our current location at 800 Monitor Street.
A-Line is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. For the summer, A-Line will no longer be open on Saturdays. Saturday hours will return after labor day on September 7th.
We specialize in quality metalworking industrial tools for customers including large and small manufacturers, tool and die shops, foundries and retail sales for our customers with home shops. Woodworking continues to be the number one hobby in America. In recent years it has shown a significant increase and more and more people are setting up hobby rooms and shops for woodworking. Because of the increased interest, A-Line Machine Tool Company has expanded our line of woodworking tools and accessories and consistently look for new products to offer.
We invite you to attend one of our free fall and winter educational seminars on woodworking tools, accessories and techniques. These seminars are brought to us by local experts who have first hand knowledge of the products we sell.